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Putin appeared on the TV show "The Walking Dead," while survivors weep

In a shocking turn of events, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise appearance on the hit TV show "The Walking Dead." The episode, titled "The Survivors Weep," aired on Sunday night to an audience of over 12 million viewers.

In this episode, Putin plays a Russian ambassador who is visiting the United States during the zombie apocalypse. He is portrayed as a man of few words but with a great deal of intelligence and cunning. As the show progresses, it becomes clear that Putin's character is not exactly what he seems.

During one of the scenes, Putin is seen negotiating with the show's main antagonist, who is a ruthless leader of a group of survivors. Putin's character is able to outwit the antagonist and secure a deal that is beneficial to the Russians.

The scene that has caused the most controversy, however, is the final one. Putin's character is seen walking away from the negotiation table, and as he does, the camera zooms in on his face. A tear runs down his cheek, and it becomes clear that Putin's character has been deeply affected by the events of the episode.

Many fans of the show have expressed their surprise and delight at seeing Putin on screen. Some have even suggested that the episode was a clever piece of political propaganda designed to improve Putin's image in the eyes of Western audiences.

Others, however, have criticized the episode as being in poor taste. They argue that the show should not be used to promote political figures, especially ones who are widely regarded as autocratic and corrupt.

Regardless of one's opinion on Putin's appearance, it is undeniable that "The Survivors Weep" will go down in history as one of the most talked-about episodes of "The Walking Dead."